Comments from our pupils about their experience in Lourdes:

The best thing about this pilgrimage was that it brought everyone together, no matter what age or race. Everyone was able to bond through their faith.

I really liked the torchlight procession because the lights were so beautiful and being part of it was a unique experience.

The most impressive part of the pilgrimage for me was when we were with the Supported Pilgrims. We got to learn the story of their lives and we formed a special bond with one lady. She taught me a lot.

Even although we were all different nationalities in Lourdes, we all came together in prayer. I loved that.

My favourite part of Lourdes was just talking to the Supported Pilgrims. They were so friendly and weren’t bothered what they had been through as much as the opportunity to go to Lourdes.

I loved how close we all were and how we all supported each other. We were a little family and I will be forever grateful for having this opportunity to go to France.

A huge thank you to everyone who supported our group to make this year’s pilgrimage.

A candle was lit at the Grotto for all of our parish and school communities, families and friends.